Discourse Recourse

Musings on traveling the world and speaking different languages.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Oscars are no picnic for other countries

We all know that the Academy Awards snubs foreign films. There's only one film allowed to be submitted by each country for consideration. In this day of digital film, which makes production costs lower and distribution easier, it should be fairly obvious that films produced and shot outside the US are more accessible than ever. There are whole distribution companies that purchase DVD rights of foreign films, so that films can get out to the public without going through the lockdown of theatrical distribution.

With so much going on outside the country, and so much dreck being produced by Hollywood, it would be great to expand the categories and options for Best Foreign Film in the Oscars, rather than continue to limit it so severely. Getting a nomination can make a film a commercial success, and those tremors can be felt around the world, in a good way!

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